WA Department of Health New Investigator Award

Applications are now invited for our New Investigator Prize, awarded on behalf of the West Australian Department of Health.

Objectives:  The New Investigator Award is designed to support the travel of postgraduate or early career research scientists, currently resident in Western Australia, to attend and deliver their results at a national or international conference. Winners of the New Investigator Prizes will receive $2000.

Conditions of Award:
1. The Award must be used for RETURN travel to either a National or International conference held during the 12 months following CBSM.
2. The Award winner must present their work at their selected meeting in either oral or poster format.
3. Application is open to all post-graduate students and early career scientists.
4. All applicants must have less than 5 years post-doctoral experience at the time of application.
5. All applicants must have resided in Western Australia for at least 2 years.
6. Retroactive applications will not be considered, i.e. the award can not be used for travel undertaken prior to this awards acceptance.
7. Awardees are required to submit a brief written report upon returning from their meeting to both the CBSM Organising Committee and the sponsoring organisation.

Applications:  To be considered for a New Investigator Award, the applicant must :

1. Register to attend the “Combined Biological Sciences Meeting”

2. Download the Abstract Template and complete.

3. Submit their abstract via the Submit Abstract page(select “New Investigator ” as the author type).

3. Download and complete the New Investigator Application Form.

4. Email the completed application form to cbsmwa@gmail.com.

All before the deadline indicated on the main Submit Abstract page. 

Selection Process:
Applicants will be chosen to present their work within the “New Investigator Symposium” at the “Combined Biological Sciences Meeting”.

Applicants not selected to present in this forum will be considered for all other sessions appropriate to their field of research and qualifications (i.e. student oral or poster presentations).

Each presenter within the “New Investigator Symposium” will be chosen on the basis of their abstract and their submitted application form by a selection committee.

Each oral presentation will be given in a 15 min timeslot, which includes up to 5 min of question time.

The applicant, judged by the selection committee to have the best abstract, CV, oral presentation, and answers to questions, will be awarded the prize at the close of the “Combined Biological Sciences Meeting”.

The selection committee reserves the right to not make an award.