Abstracts Submission Has Been Extended to 02/08/2024
Please submit your abstracts here
You are invited to submit informative and relevant abstracts in a word document using the approved template and following all guidelines below:
- All abstracts must be original work, submission acknowledges consent to publication of the abstract in the meeting proceedings.
- The presenting author must be listed as an author on the abstract during submission. If for any reason the nominated presenting author cannot attend, a replacement author can give the presentation but the replacement presenter must have been listed as an author during the original abstract submission. If no named authors are available to give the presentation, the abstract must be withdrawn.
- The presenting author will be required to register for the meeting in order to ensure their abstract(s) is included in the final program. Failure to register will result in withdrawal of the oral or poster presentation.
Abstract Format
Your abstract must be prepared using this template. Please download this now and complete prior to starting your submission process. You will upload this document as part of your abstract submission.
- The abstract should be submitted as one continuous paragraph of justified text with or without the suggested subheadings.
- Please use only Times New Roman font size 12, except for the title which is size 14.
- Please limit your abstract body to 300 words (with or without the suggested subheadings).
- Please do not use capitalisation, bold type or change the formatting in any way (including margins and line spacing).
- Should you lose the correct formatting simply download a second template and use it to restore the settings.
- Please delete the provided instructions on the abstract template prior to submission.
- Please save the file as a word document using the full name of the presenting author as the file name.
Please note:
Accuracy is the responsibility of the author, please ensure you have proof read your document carefully. Whilst every effort will be made to ensure the reproduction of symbols, accuracy of symbols cannot be guaranteed in the reproduction.
Abstract Title
Please write the title in title case (capitalising only the first word and proper nouns), do not use quotation marks.
Authors and Affiliations
Please underline the presenting author on the author list. Author affiliations should be kept to a maximum of 3 lines.
As part of the submission process, you would also be required to select from the following categories that best suits the presenting author’s current research position. Please select the most appropriate category from the ‘Presenter Position’ drop down menu in the new abstract submission portal.
The categories are as follows:
- Undergraduate Researcher
- Postgraduate Researcher
- New Investigator (Student Researcher)
- New Investigator (Post-doctoral Researcher)
- All Other Scientists
Abstract Text
The Committee suggests that where applicable the abstract should follow the format outlined below:
- Introduction. Describe the purpose for your research. This may be a very brief introductory description of the science and/or the significance of the research area.
- Problem Statement. Identify the problem you solved or the hypothesis you investigated.
- Procedures/Data/Observations. Summary of procedures, emphasising key points or steps, and the data you observed. Don’t go into detail about materials unless they were critical to your success. Describe the most important variables if you have room.
- Results. What answer(s) did you obtain? Be specific and use numbers to describe your results. Do not use vague terms like “most” or “some”.
- Conclusions. Did you meet your objectives? State how your research contributes to your field.
Abstract Topic
During submission, you will need to nominate 2 topics that are most relevant to your submission. Select your main topic from the ‘Topic’ drop down menu in the abstract submission portal and list both topic choices on the abstract template prior to submission.
Your abstract will be reviewed for awards in your nominated categories. However, the organisers reserve the right to move abstracts to different topics to best suit the program.
The topics are:
- -omics (Gene-, Transcript-, Prote-, Metabol- etc…..)
- Agricultural Biology
- Animal Biology
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Cell and Developmental Biology
- Environmental and Ecology
- Food and Nutrition
- Genetics
- Health Sciences
- Immunology
- Microbiology
- Neuromuscular and Neuroscience
- Other Biology
- Plant Science
- Regenerative Medicine
- Sport and Exercise Science
- Veterinary Science
Conflict of Interest Statement
If the research described in the abstract was supported by a commercial company you must indicate the company’s role in analysing the data or preparing the abstract. Please include the statement that is most relevant to your abstract at the bottom of your abstract submission document.
- “No conflict of interest to disclose”.
- “This research was supported by __________. The company had no role in analysing the data or preparing the abstract.”
- “This research was supported by __________. The company insert text describing company role in data analysis or abstract preparation.”
This conflict of interest statement is mandatory for all abstracts submitted and where there is a conflict, this will appear wherever the abstracts are published. For abstracts accepted as an oral presentation, please ensure you include a slide disclosing the conflict of interest within your presentation.
If you have any queries, please contact us here or at cbsmwa@gmail.com