Information for Speakers
This section applies to all speakers, including Invited Speakers, New Investigators and students.
Below is a list of recommendations for CBSM presentations;
- Speakers are encouraged to use Microsoft PowerPoint for preparing their talk (16:9 aspect) or to bring their own laptop to ensure smooth delivery.
- Please bring your presentation on a memory/USB stick and ensure it is loaded onto the laptops either before the 9am meeting start or in the break immediately prior to your session.
- If you do intend to use your own laptop please ensure it has a standard HDMI port or that you have the appropriate adapter to connect a HDMI cable (ie. USB C to HDMI adapter).
The chair of your session is advised to strictly adhere to the time allocated to each speaker. Student and New Investigator presentations will be 10 minutes plus 5 minutes of question time. Invited plenary presentations will be 30 minutes including 5-10 minutes of question time. This is a one day meeting and your timing is very important. Your allocated time slot is indicated on the program.
Information for Poster Presentations
The production of a poster is easy, the production of a scientifically great and easy to read poster is not so easy and requires some skill and practice. You can find some very useful information on poster design at
Posters must be no larger than A0 (0.841m x 1.189m) and be clearly readable. As we have fixed size poster boards which display TWO posters per board, it is imperative that your A0 poster is in a PORTRAIT orientation and DOES NOT EXCEED 0.841m in WIDTH.
All abstracts accepted will be allocated a poster position on the day EXCEPT for abstracts being presented orally and those rejected. All oral and rejected abstracts will be notified by the CBSM committee. All other abstracts will be poster only presentations. To all oral presenters your abstracts will still appear in the CBSM proceedings.
Any other queries regarding presentation formats, media to use, and presentation submissions should be directed to:
Dr Clayton Fragall
Phone: (08) 6457 2076